Making The Conversation Matter

Making The Conversation Matter

Making The Conversation Matter: Talking about parenting, children and family with parents who live with mental health challenges

Having  collaborative conversations with parents with mental health challenges about their parenting can be a powerful preventative opportunity. Such conversations can facilitate new insights for both parents and practitioners alike, promote shared understandings, result in agreed goals and serve as the catalyst for effective change. Being able to have such conversations, at critical times such as when parents are involved in family law matters, is essential.

WA Family Law Pathways Network invites you to join us for a workshop with our 2019 WAFLPN Annual Conference Keynote Speaker Rose Cuff. This morning workshop will provide participants with practical strategies and resources to facilitate conversations that matter with parents with mental health challenges. There will also be opportunities for experiential learning.

WHENTuesday, 28 May 2019
WHEREWestern Australian Centre for Rural Health (WACRH)
167 Fitzgerald Street, Geraldton, WA 6530

Free of charge, morning tea provided.
Registrations essential.
Book your place at


For more information visit or contact [email protected].


About Rose Cuff

Rose is a parent to three adult children and an Occupational Therapist who has worked in child, adolescent and adult mental health services since 1986.Since 1995, she has focused specifically on the area of supporting families where a parent has mental health challenges through direct clinical practice,developing and implementing peer support programs, co-producing resources,publishing widely and conducting training and research. Since 2007 she has been the Statewide coordinator of the Victorian government funded FaPMI Program (Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness), which is coordinated by The Bouverie Centre. Rose is passionate about building futures of hope and possibility for families where mental health challenges exist. In her spare time, she holds the voluntary role of Executive Director of the small not-for-profit organisation, Satellite Foundation.