Separation and Same-Sex Parented Families Workshop by Dr Luke Gahan
WA Family Law Pathways Network is pleased to present this workshop by Dr Luke Gahan who will be presenting his findings from the Australian Separated Same-Sex Parent Study at full-day workshops in Perth and Busselton.
Some of the topics covered include same-sex parents’ experiences of separation services, post-separation shared care, and the legal recognition of non-biological parents after separation. Service providers will gain a better understanding of same-sex parented families and learn how to work effectively with same-sex parents experiencing separation.
Workshop Details
Perth Workshop
Register for the Perth workshop here.
Busselton Workshop
Register for the Busselton workshop here.
Abbey Beach Resort special offer: Busselton workshop attendees can use the promo code “WAFLPN” when booking accommodation at Abbey Beach Resort to get corporate rates for studio spa suites @ $149 per suite per night or a 10% discount for the 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments (available only after 17 December 2018).
Legal CPD points available.
Should you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Sofia at [email protected] or (08) 6164 0382.
About Dr Luke Gahan
Dr Luke Gahan is a sociological researcher at the National Ageing Research Institute and completed his PhD research at Victoria’s Family Institute: The Bouverie Centre, and the Australian Research Centrein Sex, Health, and Society – both located at La Trobe University. He was formerly the Secretary of The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) and has previously convened the TASA Sociology of Families, Relationships and Gender Thematic Group. Dr Luke Gahan’s Australian study on separated same-sex parented families was published in the Journal of Family Strengths under the title Separated Same-Sex Parents’ Experiences and Views of Services and Service Providers in December 2017.