Keep Em Safe Diverse Parent Groups Resource Kit Overview Seminar

Keep Em Safe Diverse Parent Groups Resource Kit Overview Seminar

Legal Aid WA and WAFLPN are organising a seminar about the new child protection resource - the Keep em Safe Diverse Parent Groups Child Protection Legal Resource Kit  presented by Jane Stewart (Director Legal Practice Development, Legal Aid) and team.

This resource kit is for legal and community service providers working with diverse parent groups engaged in child protection matters in the Perth metropolitan area of WA.  It can be adapted for use in other areas. It has been developed in consultation with the Keep em Safe Steering Diverse Parents Group Committee, local legal service providers, and community workers.  The ATSI KES Child Protection Legal Resource Kit released in 2019  for use in the East and West Kimberley is also still available.  

The resource kit will help service providers to explain key legal concepts and processes around child protection. 

The story cards, posters and fact sheets  can be accessed on the Legal Aid WA website at this link:

Additional resources from the kit including  the manual, process maps, and stories for use in CLE activities can be accessed through the login on this page. If you don’t have a log in please email [email protected] to obtain one.

Please note, due to rising costs the price of the kits has gone up. If you are interested in purchasing  a copy of the kit, the order form can be accessed at this link:        


WHEN   Wednesday 14 October 2020
   3:00PM – 5:00PM
WHERE    Legal Aid Office 
   32 St George’s Terrace
   Perth WA 6000

   Free of charge, registrations essential.
   Book your place at

Legal CPD points available

Should you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to email [email protected] or call (08) 6164 0380.