About Peter Slattery
Many years ago, Peter did a B.A. Social Science and an M.A. Psychology. He says he thoroughly enjoyed his studies and freely admits to having learned something. He also says that the past 30 years of working with young people, especially with those having a hard time of life, have taught him a lot more, and given him some ideas about how to make use of what he learned at university. Today, Peter works freelance across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, with occasional jaunts into Asia, North America the U.K. and Europe. He continues his focus of working with young people in all the places you expect to find them; and finds himself working within all the school systems, as well as in refuges, rehab centres, the many elements of youth programmes and in juvenile justice settings. Peter is particularly keen on working collaboratively with all those in the lives of young people who are so vital to their welfare, their friends and families, and the communities which surround them. Having done this work for a long time now, Peter finds himself in demand as a trainer of workers, and as a supervisor and mentor; and at some time or other, he has worked with all the connected Government Departments; Health, Education, Community Services, Immigration and Juvenile and Corrective Services; and he has found his way into most tertiary institutions throughout the state. He has published extensively, both hard copy and in the E world.
Peter is constantly in demand as a speaker both within Australia and overseas. He says he considers himself extremely lucky, and thinks of his work as an uplifting challenge, a privilege, a joy and often, just a lot of fun. He says he can’t imagine himself doing anything else – he’s in the right job.